Testseek.fr ont rassemblé 2 examens experts du Automatic Automatic Link et l'estimation moyenne est 80%. Faites descendre l'écran et voyez les toutes les revues pour Automatic Automatic Link.
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Stats over time to help improve fuel mileage, Code scanning and resetting, IFTTT integration (Nest, Hue, Google Drive, SMS, etc.), Sending a Crash Alert option
Bluetooth issues (solved at the phone), No live update on MPG, Doesn't reveal what speed or RPM engine is most efficient, Pricing and Availability, The Automatic Smart Driving Assistant is now available in the U.S. for $99.95 from Amazon.com and in US App
We liked Automatic so much that we ended up purchasing a second unit so we had one in each car. We really like the idea of the car becoming smarter, and Automatic is a good step in that direction. People talk a lot about the "Internet of Things" and the ...
Extrait: 스마트폰이 생활 깊숙히 침투해서인지 요즘은 일반인들조차도 앱을 이용해서 정보를 취하고 그 정보를 생활에 활용하는 수준이 예사롭지 않아 보입니다.얼마전 샴페인님께서 올려주신 “이제는 전구도 Wifi 시대이다 – Belkin WeMo LED Starter Set” 편을 보면서도 생각되었지만, 곧 ‘스마트홈 네트워킹이 실현되겠구나'라고 느껴집니다.저도 사실 얼마 전에 좀더 스마트하게 집안 시스템을 업그레이드 해보자고 와이프를 꼬셔서 Nest 중앙 냉난방 처리...