Testseek.fr ont rassemblé 5 examens experts du Adonit Writer for iPad 2 et l'estimation moyenne est 63%. Faites descendre l'écran et voyez les toutes les revues pour Adonit Writer for iPad 2.
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With a clever, minimal design, the Adonit Writer Bluetooth keyboard case for iPad 2 almost looks as though it could have sprung from Apple's design studio. Its clever use of magnets cuts down on the bulk often introduced when cramming a keyboard into a c...
Extrait: The iPad 2 snaps into a plastic frame that is partially attached to Writer’s rear cover. As the case’s back is completely flat, the buttons and ports are a bit recessed in the otherwise well-shaped holes, and they’re luckily all still accessible witho...
Publié: 2011-08-20, Auteur: Steven , review by: tuaw.com
While there are still a few minor issues that I have with the Adonit Writer for iPad 2, it's still about the best that I've used. I love the feel of the keyboard, the slim design of the case, and the limited adjustability of the screen angle. The fact ...
Extrait: Many of us use the iPad 2 as our main form of taking notes, writing emails and even writing up long articles. Some of us have difficulty using the on-screen virtual keyboard, and lugging around the Apple Wireless Keyboard with a stand just isn't very p...
Extrait: Для iPad первого и второго поколения выпущено рекордное количество аксессуаров, это и логично, ведь они — законодатели моды, как ни крути. Мы уже смотрели на одну из Bluetooth-клавиатур для iPad , еще тогда выяснили, что такой гаджет многим придется по вк...