Testseek.fr ont rassemblé 11 examens experts du Palm Zire et l'estimation moyenne est 63%. Faites descendre l'écran et voyez les toutes les revues pour Palm Zire.
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Extrait: Palm?s inexpensive and ultra-basic Zire lowers the entry-level bar for handhelds. However, the price needs to drop even further if its to become a compelling purchase for first-time buyers.
Extrait: Palm Zire Review By: Dan Royea, PalmEvolution.comOctober 7, 2002 Introduction: Palm Inc. is revamping much of its handheld line for Fall 2002 and the first model released is the Zire, an entry-level device introduced at a new low price point: $99. Wit...
Extrait: Product Requirements:Device:PC running Windows 98/2000/ME and XP (2000, and XP require admin rights to install) or Mac OS 9.x and Mac OS X v10.1.2 or higher
Extrait: <b>Spec:</b> Palm OS 4.1, Stylus, Touch-screen, IrDA, Motorola 16 MHzMC68EZ328, 2 MB<br> <b>Good:</b> Easy connection via mini-USB cable; battery recharges through USB port; separate connector for repowering without a computer; long battery life.<br> <b>Bad:</b> Scant amount of RAM; slow processor; no expansion slot; lacks backlight.<br> <b>Bottomline:</b> Palm has managed to lower the entry-level bar with the inexpensive and ultrabasic Zire.<br>
Extrait: Sony, HP and Handspring had better take note ? Palm has just rewritten the PDA rules. Just in time for Christmas, Palm has unleashed a stylish, lightweight and fully featured PDA that blasts the sub-$700 opposition away ? by hundreds of dollars.
Extrait: A few weeks ago the folks at Palm sent me their latest incarnation to play with. The new standard for cheap handhelds, the $99USD ($169 CAD) Zire manages to get all the basics covered while still maintaining a bit of style...
Extrait: Nu kan du köpa en handdator till varje familjemedlem. Åtminstonde om du köper Palm Zire, en snygg och prisvärd handdator med basfunktionerna men inte så mycket mer.