Testseek.fr ont rassemblé 19 examens experts du Palm Z22 et l'estimation moyenne est 72%. Faites descendre l'écran et voyez les toutes les revues pour Palm Z22.
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Extrait: Connaissez-vous le résultat de la fusion entre un vrai Palm et un Palm Candy ? Non ?...C’est simple il s’agit du Z22 ! Le nouveau Palm d’entrée de gamme a été dévoilé en même temps que le TX. Avec son nouveau design il va essayer...
Extrait: Avec le Z22, Palm retourne aux fondamentaux du bon vieil "organizer": calendrier, tâches, contacts. Avec quelques plus multimédias… Un bon choix pour quiconque recherche un premier PDA, sans fonctions sophistiquées inutiles.
Extrait: The asking price of £70 is very low but the list of features offered by the Z22 is so short that we feel that the Z22 delivers rather poor value for money. Give it another year or two and we doubt there will be many PDAs on sale in the UK, so perhaps ...
Stylish, small and simple to use - theres nothing wrong with the Z22. And theres plenty to like about that price, too. If you want a PDA, youll struggle to match these levels of quality and value. Matt Egan Lowest online price: £N/A ...
Extrait: Palm Z22 Review by: Tam HannaOctober 10, 2006 Over the last few years, Palm has pushed the prices for organizers down. The original Palm Zire was the first organizer from a major brand that hit the sub ? $100 price point, its successor the Palm Zire 21...
In the recent past, $99 wouldnt have gotten you much in the PDA world. While it still wont finance a full-feature PDA, $99 can bring home Palms new Z22, a color-screen organizer that can store photos and keep your days well planned. The Z22 is stur...
Extrait: Last month, I wrote about the benefits of smartphones compared to PDAs (personal digital assistants). While smartphones offer plenty of benefits, they cost more; also, data plans, which you need to take full advantage of a smartphone, are expensive. As...
It has its faults, but nit picking aside if you analyse the Z22 from the point of view of a newcomer to PDA-land, who wants a simple electronic organiser, then the device stacks up fairly well, both in terms of costs and features....