
Accueil » Ordinateurs » Mémoire » DDR4 » Klevv PC4-32000 4000MHz Cras XR RGB Series

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Reviews of Klevv PC4-32000 4000MHz Cras XR RGB Series ont rassemblé 19 examens experts du Klevv PC4-32000 4000MHz Cras XR RGB Series et l'estimation moyenne est 67%. Faites descendre l'écran et voyez les toutes les revues pour Klevv PC4-32000 4000MHz Cras XR RGB Series.
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  Publié: 2021-01-22, Auteur: Zhiye , review by:

  • Acceptable performance, Competitive pricing, Non-intrusive heat spreader,
  • Not available at U.S. retailers yet
  • Klevv's Cras XR RGB DDR4-4000 C19 is an average, affordable DDR4-4000 memory kit. Too bad you won't find it in the U.S. market, though...

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  Publié: 2021-01-22, Auteur: Zhiye , review by:

  • Acceptable performance, Competitive pricing, Non-intrusive heat spreader,
  • Not available at U.S. retailers yet
  • Klevv's Cras XR RGB DDR4-4000 C19 is an average, affordable DDR4-4000 memory kit. Too bad you won't find it in the U.S. market, though...

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  Publié: 2020-10-13, review by:

  • Premium packaging adds value to the entire package, Good looking even before the RGB lights up, RGB lighting flows smoothly, Supports all major board vendor's RGB software, Capable of hitting 4400MHz without any manual effort
  • Doesn't like tighter timings
  • PC builders who are looking for a nice, fast kit of RGB RAM can definitely put the KLEVV CRAS XR RGB into their short list. It does overclock quite well in terms of frequency, easily achieving 4400MHz without any effort at all, although it does prefer loo...

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  Publié: 2020-10-12, review by:

  • Clean and simple design for the heatsink, Good build quality, Butter smooth colour transition with the RGB lightings, Good overclocking headroom, Affordable price, Limited lifetime warranty from KLEVV,
  • Loose timings with the XMP profile

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  Publié: 2020-11-03, Auteur: BossMac , review by:

  • With a high-performance pedigree and quality to back that up, the KLEVV CRAS XR RGB is definitely a top-choice those investing in performance or looks for their gaming PC.Performance9.6Build Quality9.9Functionality9.5Bundle8.8Value9.1Reader Rating2 Votes1...

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  Publié: 2021-12-10, review by:

  • 如同一个集大成者,12代酷睿的异构设计融合了“优先高频率”和“优先采用多核心设计”这两种现代处理器的设计模式,通过性能核(P-Core)和能效核(E-Core)的异构设计即增强了单线程的计算能力,同时又让其在可以并行计算的应用场景下,可以用多核心设计来实现更快的计算,实现全应用场景下的体验提升。12代酷睿的异构设计尽管看起来有些像是ARM架构的大小核设计,实为全新的一种设计理念,能效核(E-Core)并不是如同ARM处理器中的小核那样为了省电的目的而去设计的,而是为了增加处理器的多线程计算能力而设计的,这...

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  Publié: 2021-12-09, Auteur: 倾科技 , review by:

  • 科赋CRAS XR RGB内存采用了海力士DJR颗粒,加上DDR4-4000高频率,带来了出色的内存效能,能够为电脑的整体性能和游戏体验带来更上一层的表现。同时,颗粒1.4V的起步电压和不错的超频潜力,为其超到DDR4-4800打下坚实基础,在强悍的内存性能加持下,在体验高帧率游戏的时候帧数表现更为稳定。其次,其金属散热马甲能够带来高效稳定的散热表现,无边角环形RGB导光条的存在让科赋CRAS XR RGB内存的颜值锦上添花,还拥有不错的兼容性,支持多种主流灯效,是游戏玩家值得选择的一款高性能电竞内存条。

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  Publié: 2021-05-11, review by:

  • 与市场上其他的RGB内存相比,科赋CRAS XRRGB内存的无边角环形导光条设计相当的特别,插两根在机箱里面会让你看起来有插了四根的错觉。而且超频能力相当了得,能稳定的超到4500MHz,留给热爱超频的玩家一定超频空间,而且它本身4000MHz的频率就不低,基本上可以满足现在高帧率游戏的需求,使用海力士原厂严选颗粒也让人相当放心。科赋CRAS XRRGB的外形确实漂亮,而且超频能力也不差,是一款挺不错的RGB灯条,目前它已经上市,3600MHz的8GB*2套装售价为819元,4000MHz的则是1189元...

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  Publié: 2021-05-07, Auteur: 林爽雨 , review by:

  • KLEVV CRAS XR RGB DDR4 4000MHz内存是一款定位于高端的电竞产品,搭载了独特的无边角环形导光条,具有柔和且自然的RGB的效果,整体彰显出高端大气的气息。在超频方面,这款内存具有超强的超频空间,只需要将内存的电压调整为1.59V即可达到4600MHz频率,且性能提升尤为显著,这也是得益于搭载了严选的SK海力士颗粒,才具有如此的震撼效果。如果你想要体验高频率内存带来的极致体验,KLEVV CRAS XR RGB DDR4 4000MHz内存你不容错过。本文属于原创文章,如若转载,请注...

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  Publié: 2020-10-16, Auteur: 林仔 , review by:

  • Extrait:  KLEVV CRAS XR RGB DDR4-4000 16GB Kit KLEVV CRAS XR RGB D4-4000 16GB Kit與 SK Hynix 隸屬同一集團,韓國記憶體品牌 KLEVV 推出全新的 「CRAS XR RGB」 DDR4 記憶體系列,與上代「CRAS X RGB」採用完全不同的設計,「CRAS XR RGB」秉持CRAS系列旗艦產品的設計哲學,採用與眾不同的環型 RGB 導光燈條,使「CRAS XR RGB」的燈效更為出眾,「CRAS XR RG...

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