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Reviews of Origin Storage Thecus W5000 ont rassemblé 6 examens experts du Origin Storage Thecus W5000 et l'estimation moyenne est 85%. Faites descendre l'écran et voyez les toutes les revues pour Origin Storage Thecus W5000.
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  Publié: 2015-10-05, Auteur: Chris , review by:

  • Windows Server is a powerful tool that some may find easier to manage or less intimidating than Linux.
  • Windows kills the NAS experience. From the initial setup to the application of a workload, Windows is the weak link in the W5000 NAS appliance
  • I've worked with the N5550, and now the W5000. The only difference is that the Linux version (N5550) ships with a DOM boot device (slow embedded storage), and the Windows version (W5000) ships with a hard drive that is 10 times faster. Somehow, the Linu...

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  Publié: 2015-10-05, Auteur: Chris , review by:

  • Windows Server is a powerful tool that some may find easier to manage or less intimidating than Linux.
  • Windows kills the NAS experience. From the initial setup to the application of a workload, Windows is the weak link in the W5000 NAS appliance.
  • I've worked with the N5550, and now the W5000. The only difference is that the Linux version (N5550) ships with a DOM boot device (slow embedded storage), and the Windows version (W5000) ships with a hard drive that is 10 times faster. Somehow, the Linu...

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  Publié: 2015-04-13, Auteur: Joe , review by:

  • While I really like where Thecus is going here, I have to admit there are somethings that I wish were changed. One of these is the fake buttons up front. They just scream for me to press them and when I did, I was disappointment that they didn't perform a...

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  Publié: 2015-06-10, review by:

  • Thecus W5000 - это очень необычный продукт, сотканный из противоречий. С одной стороны, для домашнего использования он дорог и в сравнении с NAS с ОС собственных разработок он недостаточно производителен и непрост в управлении. Некоторые знания серверной...

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  Publié: 2015-01-07, Auteur: soothepain , review by:

  • 操作的部份就不多加贅述,怕一一貼出來可能滑鼠滾輪會滾到手酸,然後直接選擇關閉網頁。搭載Windows Storage Server 2012 R2 Essentials的W5000是相當強大,比較像是一台電腦而不是NAS,操作介面對於慣用Windows的使用者而言是相當有親和力的,且Essentials內建的儀表板功能簡化了設定的部分,更適合一般初學者使用,也就是老闆也可以自己跳下來管理?還是不用花大錢請專業的MIS...。整體來說 Thecus W5000 簡單功能性十足,不過主要訴求是中小企業或是多人...

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  Publié: 2015-03-13, Auteur: thriller , review by:

  • Extrait:  Thực sự thì việc làm một hệ thống ứng dụng, một hệ sinh thái là điều không đơn giản, đặc biệt là ở mảng NAS, do đó vẫn rất nhiều người dùng có nhu cầu sử dụng hệ điều hành Windows Storage cho các NAS của riêng mình, ở đó họ có một môi trường quen thuộc, d...

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