Testseek.fr ont rassemblé 56 examens experts du ThermalTake Tt eSports Shock Gaming Headset et l'estimation moyenne est 81%. Faites descendre l'écran et voyez les toutes les revues pour ThermalTake Tt eSports Shock Gaming Headset.
March 2011
56 Avis
Note moyenne issue des avis d’experts sur ce produit.
0 Avis
Note moyenne délivrée par les utilisateurs du produit.
Les éditeurs ont aimé
Bonne qualité de son
Finition et look
Bon maintien
Longueur du câble
Spatialisation stéréo
Les éditeurs n'ont pas aimé
Marquage kitsch sur le serretête
Un peu trop de dynamisme
Densité de la mousse
Bande de son musique et film plat (manque de profondeur)
Extrait: Aujourd'hui Mégahertz Modding va vous présenter un casque polyvalent de chez Thermaltake eSports : le Shock White . Le casque dont nous disposons est le white, comme son nom l'indique. Avec celui ci, il y a en tout sept couleurs de disponibles. Nous verro...
Prix, Solidité, Finition, Bon maintien, Longueur du câble, Spatialisation stéréo,
Densité de la mousse, Bande de son musique et film plat (manque de profondeur), Confort perfectible
Le casque micro Shock Boost Bass Edition est clairement destiné au gaming.Les FPS restent son domaine de prédilection où il en tire tout son potentiel.En dehors de cet environnement, l'écoute d'un film ou de la musique laisse des basses présentes mais moi...
Extrait: Bonjour à tous .Overclocking-pc vous présente Shock, le gaming headset de la marque Ttesports. Pour ceux d'entre vous qui ne connaissent pas cette marque il s'agit d'une filière de Thermatake, un constructeur d'alimentations et de boîtiers .Ttespsorts est...
Extrait: You may not have heard of Tt eSports, a division of Thermaltake, but they are well known in the pro gaming circuit. They produce gaming accessories for pro gamers within the high end price brand. Now they have turned their attention to the broader market,...
Over the past couple of days, I have had a good chance to test the Tt eSports Shock Gaming Headset out but how exactly did it perform? Does it punch above its weight or does it fall flat on its face? Well starting with the main aspect of the review, the...
Out of the box the SHOCK gaming headset feels like a much more expensive headset than we had expected. The quality of the build is very good and the headset feels very solid. As a nice bonus the design is striking with the colour used extremely well highl...
Overall we are fairly impressed with what the Thermaltake Tt eSPORTS Shock gaming headset has to offer. It performed very well throughout our tests, although a virtual surround sound model would be preferable for more serious gamers. The stereo nature o...
Good microphone performance, Excellent sound quality for games, Foldable design for easy transportation (with the addition of the bag), Long 3 meter cable with gold-plated 3.5mm cables, Removable earcups, Strong construction
Earcups could use more padding, Expensive, Tight fit that is detrimental to comfort, Unbalanced sound performance, Unnatural flexible microphone
The Shock is one of four gaming headsets currently under the Tt eSPORTS brand. Its mains features of the Shock include a foldable design, a noise cancelling microphone and 3.5mm connectors.It is available in either a white or black colour scheme. The ...
Nice design, Decent price, Good sound quality for every kind of use, Collapsible design, Bag for carrying, Good buildquality
Treble is too dominating at high volume, No USBconnection
Through the time, we have tested a lot of headsets here on Tweak.dk, and Shock certainly was not an outsider, when it comes to quality. Overall, we think that Shock is placed on a good place in the middle of the scale, when it comes to sound, quality...