
Accueil » Ordinateurs » Boîtiers » Corsair Obsidian 450D

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Reviews of Corsair Obsidian 450D ont rassemblé 52 examens experts du Corsair Obsidian 450D et l'estimation moyenne est 83%. Faites descendre l'écran et voyez les toutes les revues pour Corsair Obsidian 450D.
Award: Editor’s Choice April 2014
April 2014
52 Avis
0 Avis
83 0 100 52

Les éditeurs ont aimé

  • Qualité Corsair habituelle
  • Montage
  • Assez silencieux au repos
  • Look
  • Chassis
  • Watercooling possible
  • Finition
  • Silence en 5v

Les éditeurs n'ont pas aimé

  • Moins de près en charge
  • Acier un peu fin
  • Audible en 12 volts
  • Une seule cage HDD

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  Publié: 2014-04-09, review by:

  • Corsair ne s'est pas raté avec son nouveau rejeton de la gamme Obsidian. Le 450D est en effet digne de ses ainés. Il possède toutes les qualités de ses prédécesseurs, telle la robustesse, l'intelligence de conception, la qualité de fabrication ou encore l...

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  Publié: 2014-03-25, Auteur: Mardi , review by:

  • Qualité Corsair habituelle, Montage, Assez silencieux au repos,
  • Moins de près en charge, Acier un peu fin
  • Maintenant que le moment d'apporter un point final à ce test est venu, rappelons-en les passages principaux. Fidèle à sa réputation, Corsair nous livre une nouvelle tour dont la finition et la qualité d'ensemble est satisfisante, de même que le soin ap...

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  Publié: 2014-03-25, review by:

  • Look, Chassis, Watercooling possible, Finition, Silence en 5v
  • Audible en 12 volts, Une seule cage HDD
  • Comme assez souvent, voire presque comme toujours, Corsair ne se trompe pas ou peu avec ce nouvel Obsidian et vient clairement combler un manque dans sa gamme, avec un "simple" boitier ATX. Mais Corsair le fait de belle façon, en respectant la tradition d...

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  Publié: 2014-04-24, review by:

  • Smart appearance, Dust filters are simple to remove, clean and replace, The free flow nature of the case gives epic cooling, Plenty of space for a huge graphics card and CPU cooler, Reasonable price, Loads of options for installing aftermarket cooling,
  • This is a good, effective case however the stock fans are too noisy. It doesn’t take much work to fix it up but that shouldn’t be necessary....

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  Publié: 2014-04-18, Auteur: David , review by:

  • Except for the mesh front panel and two less USB ports the Corsair 450D is basically a smaller version of the 750D. With a price of £90 it's not the cheapest if you're looking for a mid range case but it's also not the most expensive option. For example...

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  Publié: 2014-03-28, Auteur: Luca , review by:

  • the design is timeless and the case would look decent on, as well as underneath, any desk We would even go to the point to say that installing a 525 inch drive would ruin the looks of the front Even on the inside, Corsair has used a cool solution for 25...

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  Publié: 2014-03-25, review by:

  • Stylish aesthetics, Good build quality, Decent cooling performance, Tool-free mechanisms throughout, SSD support behind mobo tray, Can accommodate high-end kit, Multiple locations for varied radiator support
  • Case has to be flipped to remove PSU dust filter, Basic options available for front panel controls
  • It was only weeks ago when we were casting a critical eye over Obsidian 250D and yet again we have another case from this series under the spotlight. 450D could be easily mistaken for any of the other models within the Obsidian series because of the c...

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  Publié: 2014-03-25, review by:

  • Clearly even with a modest air cooler, the Obsidian 450D makes for a great air-cooled case but add in an all-in-one liquid cooler or even custom water cooling and the sky is the limit. The fact the case is so water cooling-friendly yet boasts very soli...

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Cet avis était-il utile?   

  Publié: 2014-03-25, review by:

  • Extensive air cooling options, Can hold up to four water cooling radiators, Dust filters, Stylish aluminium front panel, Huge side panel window, Lots of cable management space, Modular front storage, 2 x 2.5″ SSD mounts behind motherboard
  • None, Neutral, It is expensive and that may put off new comers to the Obsidian range, but you do get a lot in return for your investment, Extra hard drive bays in the front would have been nice, but it's unlikely that most users will need them and you can
  • “The Obsidian series has long been one of the best chassis ranges on the market and their latest addition doesn't disappoint. The 450D may sit near the middle of the Obsidian range, but it's by far one of my favourites so far. There are a lot of great op...

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  Publié: 2014-03-25, Auteur: Parm , review by:

  • Room for multiple radiators, Competitive $119 price tag, Good build quality throughout, Easily accommodates highend hardware, Toolfree drive bays, Large side window
  • Notched side panels, Optical bays look awkward in use, Not as featurepacked as the 650D
  • For the past couple of years, Corsair has enjoyed success in the mid-tower chassis market with award-winning enclosures such as the Graphite Series 600T and Obsidian Series 650D. Both options continue to have plenty to offer, but the £140 price tag is ov...

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