Testseek.fr ont rassemblé 9 examens experts du StarTech.com TBDOCKHDPBC Thunderbolt Docking Station et l'estimation moyenne est 78%. Faites descendre l'écran et voyez les toutes les revues pour StarTech.com TBDOCKHDPBC Thunderbolt Docking Station.
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The first thing I noticed when I opened the box is that the actually contained a Thunderbolt cable. So often these days you get a Thunderbolt device only to find that you also need to go and buy a cable. Thankfully StarTech put a 1m cable in the box for y...
Publié: 2014-03-06, Auteur: Andrew , review by: macworld.co.uk
HDMI ouput, three USB 3.0, relatively inexpensive, cable included
HDMI limited to fullHD, USB 3.0 working slowly, will not charge iPad
If you need to expand your port count or just make it quicker and easier to interface a MacBook with your home/office setup each day, either the CalDigit or StarTech Thunderbolt docks can serve well. StarTech inflates its prices when buying through its ow...
Provides excellent use for the underused Thunderbolt port, HDMI out is exceptional, Great size, looks good on the desk, Perfect for the home/office and laptop workstation.
Bulky for travel, Audio ports don't support media playback buttons standard to OS X/iOS headphones, A bit pricey, Not particularly useful for desktops
The Startech Thunderbolt Docking Station is perfect for MacBook owners who need a workstation, at h...
Is the StarTech Thunderbolt docking station more expensive than similar USB 3.0-based models? At about $220 retail, the dock can be a hard swallow for some. What we can say for certain, however, is that the performance gains from the Thunderbolt port are...
Publié: 2014-02-27, Auteur: James , review by: macworld.com
Extrait: Laptops are often used like desktop computers, with external devices such as displays, hard drives, and printers plugged into the ports. When you need to use your laptop as a mobile device, you have to spend time plugging and unplugging those devices—a si...
StarTech Thunderbolt basen fungerer perfekt efter hensigten. Og har man en eller flere bærbare Mac'er er det en god løsning, hvis man har brug for en arbejdsplads med ekstern skærm, ekstra diskenheder og hurtigt kablet netværk via ét kabel.Med en pris ...
Док-станция StarTech Thunderbolt является добротным решением для расширения функциональности ноутбука или компьютера. Сравнительно немалая стоимость (более 200 долларов США) в данном случае выглядит абсолютно оправданной. Работа звуковых интерфейсов, вид...