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Reviews of Cooler Master Notepal D1 ont rassemblé 4 examens experts du Cooler Master Notepal D1 et l'estimation moyenne est 90%. Faites descendre l'écran et voyez les toutes les revues pour Cooler Master Notepal D1.
4 Avis
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  Publié: 2009-07-21, review by:

  • Good angle/No slipping, Slight Temperature decrease, Doesnt waste a USB port, Easy to use
  • Designed for 15" laptops or smaller, Not a major temperature decrease
  • Obviously I am more impressed with the ergonomics of the NotePal D1 than I am with the cooling, but cooling is by no means a problem. The NotePal D1 has one of the best angles I have seen, and it holds onto my laptop very well, there are no sliding is...

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  Publié: 2009-06-29, review by:

  • Extrait:  A while back, Cooler Master sent us the Notepal Infinite, a notebook cooling solution to cover wider-screened models, sporting a self-claimed 17 degree difference. Recently, we received the new Notepal D1, a turn around of its sister product, per say. ...

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  Publié: 2009-06-11, review by:

  • Extrait:  Cooler Master A quick search on the internet and youll find just about every case and cooling manufacturer with their own notebook cooler. More often were bombarded with features we dont necessarily need when it comes to notebook cooling. Cooler Master has taken a step back and returned to the basics. What sets the Cooler Master D1 apart from everything else is the low cost and simplicity of

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  Publié: 2009-09-27, review by:

  • Iako namjenom identični, NotePal D1 i Lapchilla su generalno potpuno različiti proizvodi. D1 je kompaktni notebook hladnjak namijenjen korisnicima koji zahtijevaju mobilnost. Osim što se radi o, kako smo već spomenuli, izuzetno praktičnom notebook hlad...

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