Testseek.fr ont rassemblé 9 examens experts du Leapfrog Tag et l'estimation moyenne est 81%. Faites descendre l'écran et voyez les toutes les revues pour Leapfrog Tag.
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Extrait: Leapfrog have long been in the world of teaching kids to read. Here they use some of the latest page reading technology with their Tag system to make reading interactive and fun. The Leapfrog Tag Reading System is one of the Dream Toys 2008 top 12 pre-...
Extrait: Alas, I have no spawn of my own. So when LeapFrog mailed their new Tag Junior, a handheld device that reads special LeapFrog books to children, I had to call in the big guns for the review. Err...little guns. My 18 month old niece Rysa (with the help ...
Extrait: About ten times better than LeapFrog's well-meaning but wholly unwieldy LeapPad read-along book & stylus system, the new Tag Reading System is as intuitive as it is practical.A two-piece reading/comprehension/vocabulary/phonetics tool for kids aged rou...
Extrait: The Tag Reading System by LeapFrog is an optical pen that can read aloud from specially designed story books. Touch the pen to any word in the book and it says the word out loud. It can read a page of the story, the entire story, or just one word at a ...
Extrait: The Leapfrog Tag is the third Educational Product we here at HardwareGeeks.com have reviewed in the past year and the second Leapfrog product. The first Leapfrog product was the Fly Fusion Pentop computer, which we loved by the way. This new Leapfrog p...
If youve got a four- to six-year-old reader struggling with becoming engaged with reading, then the Tag system, along with other teaching tools, is a decent idea. Struggle is relative, however, and those who are simply just emergent readers might do b...
Extrait: Price $99.95Rating 4.5 out of 5 LeapFrog is well known for its blend of educational toys with technology. This new gadget is no exception. It combines an audio player and a book to bring text and characters to life. The pen-like reader has an infr...
Extrait: The heart of the LeapFrog Tag ($139.95) is a white and green stylus that contains an infra-red camera in the tip. The camera "reads" words off a page and a computer voice speaks the words aloud. Children can hear one word at a time or drag t...