Testseek.fr ont rassemblé 3 examens experts du Just Cause et l'estimation moyenne est 72%. Faites descendre l'écran et voyez les toutes les revues pour Just Cause.
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Just Cause might not be a killer app compared to GTA series, but it sure is an awfully fun game while it lasts. That’s not to say that it could not use some work – there are definitely areas where the game stumbles a bit – but based on t...
The stunts and the spectacle are matched by the scale of ambition, but in creating a world of fantastic possibility, Avalanche has forgotten to make that world convincing on a smaller level....
Extrait: Just Cause has all of the makings of a great sandbox game. It has a vibrant, open world with a multitude of environments to explore. There are a huge number of side quests to keep you occupied along with a slew of vehicles and weapons to aid you in you...