Testseek.fr ont rassemblé 4 examens experts du Indigo Prophecy et l'estimation moyenne est 82%. Faites descendre l'écran et voyez les toutes les revues pour Indigo Prophecy.
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Extrait: StoryDescribing too much of the storyline in Indigo Prophecy would basically ruin the whole experience, so I’ll keep it basic. At the beginning of the game, a man is murdered in the bathroom of a restaurant by Lucas Kane. Kane doesn’t know why...
Extrait: This game drinks from the same well as TV shows like 24, CSI and X-Files, but a few of the scenes look a little staged and wooden. Look at older titles like Knights of the Old Republic or LOTR: The Two Towers and you will notice that their cut scenes ...
Extrait: Indigo Prophecy (Xbox)Genre: Third-person, horror/adventure When I first previewed this game, the concept appealed to me immediately ? a new style of point and click adventure in the vein of the old school puzzlers (like Monkey Island, Day ...