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Reviews of Eternal Sonata ont rassemblé 31 examens experts du Eternal Sonata et l'estimation moyenne est 80%. Faites descendre l'écran et voyez les toutes les revues pour Eternal Sonata.
Award: Good Buy January 2008
January 2008
31 Avis
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80 0 100 31



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  Publié: 2008-01-06, review by:

  • Simply breathtaking graphics,rich combat & striking score
  • Only 20 odd hours gameplay, too wiered for some tastes & can be hard if you do not grind out the levels.

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  Publié: 2007-11-18, review by:

  • Extrait:  Over the past couple of years as we entered the “next-generation” of consoles, companies have managed to give us a few “Wow” moments at how games have been portrayed. Games like Crysis, Gears of War and Project Gotham Racing 4 have shown us how gritty ...

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  Publié: 2017-04-24, Auteur: D'Marcus , review by:

  • Extrait:  What if you had a universe inside of your head where you could retreat whenever you were in trouble? What if this place was a colorful, idyllic embodiment of escapism and waited for you every time you closed your eyes? Most people would appreciate such a...

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  Publié: 2008-10-20, review by:

  • While other quality Japanese roleplaying games have been released in the past year, 2007s Eternal Sonata was the first worthwhile JRPG to hit the system. Heres a look at this unique title produced in part by members of the Baten Kaitos and Star Ocea...

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  Publié: 2007-11-21, review by:

  • This is an easy enough game for anyone to pick up and play. However the slow narrative will make all but the truly dedicated give up quickly. The killer in most RPGs is the repetitive battles but Eternal Sonata over comes that with team leveling and t...

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  Publié: 2007-11-07, review by:

  • Extrait:  Its probably fair to say that the Xbox brand hasnt had the best of times in Japan. The land of the rising sun remains firmly loyal to Sony and Nintendo almost to the point of wilfully ignoring Microsofts consoles despite their promise to crack the m...

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  Publié: 2007-11-05, review by:

  • A unique and all encompassing battle system, Breathtaking looks and audio, A cast and plot that is near unrivalled, Rather slight in many regards...

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  Publié: 2007-10-31, review by:

  • Extrait:  If ever there was an underrepresented genre on the Xbox 360 - outside of edutainment games and paper doll sims, that is - traditional Japanese RPGs are it. This is a genre of games that the Japanese gamer craves, and its also a style of game that has ...

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  Publié: 2007-10-23, review by:

  • Extrait:  Quick HitsTitle: Eternal Sonata Platform:Xbox 360 Publisher: Namco Bandai Developer: Tri-Crescendo ESRB Rating: “T” for Teen Genre: RPG Pros: Incredible graphics; great music; fun battle system Cons: Not much to do outside the main quest; Stor...

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  Publié: 2007-10-17, review by:

  • Extrait:  The core idea behind Eternal Sonata is far, far darker than the actual game would lead you to believe. Chopin, noted composer/pianist, is slowly drawing his last breath, due to a losing bout with tuberculosis. While he sleeps, he dreams of a world far ...

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