Testseek.fr ont rassemblé 12 examens experts du Monster Lab et l'estimation moyenne est 68%. Faites descendre l'écran et voyez les toutes les revues pour Monster Lab.
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Extrait: Monster Lab is perfect for the young mind that loves to tinker with the parts of their creations in a constant attempt at perfection. Add fun and enjoyable battles, interaction with quirky and eccentric characters, the need to save the day and be the ...
Extrait: Name: Monster LabGenre: RPGPlatform: Wii, PS2, DS (Reviewed on Wii)While it’s far from the barren wasteland of quality some would try to say it is, the Wii’s library is particularly short on role-playing games. This shouldn’t really come as a surprise...
Extrait: Monster Lab is a good game that will stay in your Nintendo Wii for a long time. Hopefully Eidos Interactive will create a sequel to this game that fixes its shortcomings as they have a potential blockbuster in their hands.
Extrait: Mix one part fighter with one part creation, then bludgeon to death with mini-games and repetition. Monster Lab is an amalgamation of parts, a fact that is reflected in its gameplay. One part fighter, another part creation, and yet another part mini-g...
Extrait: If you were to judge Monster Lab by its cover, you might be put off by the green monster head licking a massive snot bubble off of the gruesome face beside it. What you would be missing, however, is a well-put-together game for a younger audience that ...
Extrait: Unless you stick to only purchasing Nintendo’s own software, the Wii can be a very difficult system to buy games for. So many cheaply made, quickly produced, and shallow games constantly flood the market, effectively burying the few hidden gems of gre...
von Julia Bitu Death Jr. ist eins meiner Lieblingsspiele auf der PSP, insofern hatte ich hohe Erwartungen an das neue Werk von Backbone Entertainment. Außerdem erinnert der Grafikstil zufälligerweise auch an Tim Burtons Klassiker. Von der Atmosphäre ...
Extrait: Ein unheimliches Labor in noch unheimlicheren Landen. Blitze durchzucken den schwarzen Nachthimmel. „ES LEBT!", ertönt es aus den alten Gemäuern. Klingt kräftig nach Doc Frankenstein, zeigt aber auch die Idee hinter Monster Lab. ...