Testseek.fr ont rassemblé 15 examens experts du Emergency Mayhem et l'estimation moyenne est 40%. Faites descendre l'écran et voyez les toutes les revues pour Emergency Mayhem.
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It may be one of the best of its breed, but that’s like saying smallpox is the best communicable disease. 2.7/10Print this pageUser reviews (0)Share this pageNoticed something wrong? Report error/mistake....
Extrait: Emergency Mayhem is little strange by the fact it's a Teen-rated game - that is, suitable for ages 13 and over - that should probably have received an E +10 because its content is so cartoony and full of nonsensical happenings - a slight b...
Extrait: When it comes to the visuals in Emergency Mayhem many of your casual Wii gamers will be pleasantly surprised. It is a very bright and colorful game which takes a somewhat cartoonish approach. For those of you that have played Crazy Taxi, Emergency Mayh...
Extrait: It's hard to play Emergency Mayhem without wondering what would've happened if the game had shipped in its original state. First announced in 2004, the open-world driving-action title was slated for the PlayStation 2 and Xbox -- until original publishe...
Extrait: Name: Emergency MayhemGenre: Mini-Game Compilation Platform: WiiThe Wii is the perfect platform for mini-game collections. The Wii-mote’s motion sensitivity gives you more gameplay options than any other platform when it comes to short-term, casual ti...
Some minigames have overly sensitive controls, Others are completely unresponsive, Almost no variety, Wildly uneven difficulty, Extremely dated graphics.
Emergency Mayhem is an example of how not to make a minigame collection. ...