Testseek.fr ont rassemblé 11 examens experts du Undead Knights et l'estimation moyenne est 65%. Faites descendre l'écran et voyez les toutes les revues pour Undead Knights.
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Extrait: Published March 14th 2010. Written by Dominic Sheard. If there’s one thing in the videogame world that people can’t get rid of, it’s those undead walkabouts called zombies. They’ve populated all sorts of genres and the poor sods are always receiving pu...
While Undead Knights certainly isn’t the worst game ever made, it is resoundingly poor. Brief hope it may be decent is soon replaced by boredom and apathy. Zombies do not automatically make a game good: remember this simple fact.4.6/10Print this pag...
Extrait: You know this is definitely a Tecmo property when you see the Queen of the game's kingdom or, more specifically, her giant breasts and revealing dress. Years of unsatisfactory back support have made her insufferably cranky, so she suggests the King ord...
Undead Knights is a fun, if basic, PSP title that cross-breeds the hack-and-slash action of Dynasty Warriors with a dumbed-down version of Overlord’s troop management to good benefit, though it often feels like it had the potential to be more than it ...
Extrait: Uh, there really isn't anything like this on the PSP, and there is some fun to be had, but only a select few will embrace the gore and clumsy, over-the-top action; of course, they'll have to forgive the game's lack of flair.
Extrait: These days, if you want to create instant fun, it seems as if the solution is to "just add zombies." Undead Knights for the PSP, from publisher Tecmo, takes this philosophy and runs with it by injecting a healthy dose of reanimated rotting corpses into...
Extrait: Just when I was getting thoroughly sick of zombie games, along comes Tecmo with another one. Only, this one turns the entire idea of zombie slaughter on its head and manages to do something surprisingly fresh with the whole theme. Take the minion-styl...