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Reviews of Syberia 3 ont rassemblé 18 examens experts du Syberia 3 et l'estimation moyenne est 54%. Faites descendre l'écran et voyez les toutes les revues pour Syberia 3.
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  Publié: 2017-04-30, Auteur: Anthony , review by:

  • Syberia 3 a visiblement connu un développement un peu houleux de longue haleine puisque son développement avait été initialement annoncé en 2009. Le résultat final est donc loin d'être parfait, mais les amateurs de la série devraient tout de même grandeme...

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  Publié: 2022-06-04, review by:

  • Graphically better than previous versions, Engaging plot
  • Simplistic puzzles, Bad animation and textures, Counterintuitive controls, Syberia 3 is out now on PC digitally on platforms like Steam and GoG. The game is also available on Nintendo Switch, Reviewed on PC
  • Overall Syberia 3 feels like the weakest, almost rushed entry in an otherwise solid franchise. Where it fails isn't necessarily game breaking, but it does leave a lot to be desired for the overall experience. The story, while simple, is good. I would stil...

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  Publié: 2017-05-04, Auteur: Francesco , review by:

  • Wellthought puzzles, Select late game locations look good
  • General lack of polish, Bad writing, Clichèd characters with little development, Unresponsive controls, Glacial walk speed, Immersion killing issues like bad lipsyncing, missing dialogue lines
  • It took 13 years for Kate Walker to come back, but it might have been better for Syberia fans if she never did. Syberia 3 is a disappointing adventure game that retained nothing of the best features of the previous entries in the series, introducing so ma...

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  Publié: 2017-05-03, Auteur: Ron , review by:

  • Backgrounds can be inspired and beautiful, Music hits the mark more often than not, A few good puzzles
  • Broken controls demand a mouse and controller, Storyline is rather painful, Lip synch is bafflingly bad, Camera work is stiff, So many bugs...
  • Syberia was a series built around amazing puzzles and unique storytelling. Syberia 3 was an opportunity to bring all of that to a new generation. Unfortunately, it has remained mired in the pixel-hunting past, riddled with bugs, obtuse controls, and an un...

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  Publié: 2017-05-20, Auteur: Chris , review by:

  • Looking and feeling like a game from a number of years ago, the Youkols may not be the only thing best left to history here...

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  Publié: 2017-05-15, Auteur: Elias , review by:

  • Syberia 3's ample potential for greatness is squandered by an awkward translation, poor design, and a heaping helping of technical issues...

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  Publié: 2017-05-02, Auteur: David , review by:

  • Poder volver a vivir una aventura con Kate Walker, Una banda sonora sublime, Un trabajo de arte magnífico, Ciertos puzles nos harán pensar
  • Tener que esperar 12 años por el juego, Algunos bugs y fallos en el apartado técnico, La pérdida del point and click
  • En definitiva, Microïds y Meridiem Games nos traen la vuelta al ruedo de Kate Walker con Syberia 3, dejándonos algunas sombras por el camino ya que nos falta un título un poco más pulido de lo que realmente nos han dado. Han hecho cosas muy buenas en cuan...

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  Publié: 2017-05-15, review by:

  • Comparto narrativo coinvolgete, Enigmi piacevoli e ben strutturati, Ambientazioni, personaggi e comparto sonoro in linea con i precedenti episodio
  • Labiale non sincronizzato con l'audio, Vistosi cali di frame rate, Sistema di controllo e telecamera fissa presentano problematiche
  • Syberia 3 non è un titolo perfetto i difetti tecnici sono diversi e alcuni, come i vistosi cali di frame rate, non sono neppure giustificabili. Sicuramente lo sviluppo del gioco ha passato momenti travagliati e il debutto del terzo episodio in alcuni mome...

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  Publié: 2017-04-30, Auteur: Winry , review by:

  • Musiche eccezionali, Buona longevità
  • Controlli macchinosi, ma trama ed enigmi un po' scontati, Sistema dialoghi non soddisfacente

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  Publié: 2017-05-04, Auteur: Rutger , review by:

  • Verhaal is interessant, Sommige puzzels zijn uitdagend
  • Frustrerende besturing, Framedrops, Dramatische lipsynchronisatie

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