Testseek.fr ont rassemblé 22 examens experts du Flower Sun and Rain et l'estimation moyenne est 55%. Faites descendre l'écran et voyez les toutes les revues pour Flower Sun and Rain.
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Extrait: Game designer Goichi ‘Suda51’ is well known for creating games with striking visuals, new twists on old genres, bizarre characters and surreal plotlines. The most prominent examples of his work are Killer7 and No More Heroes, but before either of these...
If you can handle the strangeness, you’ll find great rewards here. 6.8/10Print this pageUser reviews (0)Share this pageNoticed something wrong? Report error/mistake.Add to my profile pageGame ScoresGraphics:7.1/10Sound:7.7/10Gameplay:6.7/10Longevity...
It’s down to personal taste I suppose. I certainly suggest you try it, but I can understand if you don’t like it. When compared to other games, it’s worth a 6 if I’m feeling generous, but really this is something else. It seems to do exactly what it wa...
Extrait: So we're a little late with this review of Flower, Sun and Rain, but cut us some slack, interpreting and attempting to understand a Suda51 game takes some time (plus some patience). Since we're a bit late, and it's damn near impossible to find the gam...
Wonderful story. Fantastic and responsive touch screen controls. Interesting characters. The Lost and Found side quests are an interesting extra. The music is absolutely wonderful.
Horrible camera. The graphics aren’t impressive since the 3D cel-shaded look didn’t translate well. Some of Sumio’s tasks feel like busywork. Ends with a cliffhanger.
Extrait: As interesting as Flower, Sun, and Rain was eight years ago on PS2, its graphics were for hardcore fans. Unfortunately the PS2 is more powerful than the little DS and the game shows its shortcomings this time around. Back then it was seen as a having c...
Extrait: Though flawed, Flower, Sun and Rain offers perhaps more than one would expect from a game certain to be remembered as Suda’s rookie effort. The story is shockingly original and fearless, and the game’s style is irrefutably Suda. It’s just a shame there...
Extrait: Flower, Sun, and Rain sacrifices game play for the sake of an interesting story that takes awhile to get going. This game has stale mechanics, repetitive tasks, and a slow pace that isnt going to entertain many gamers, can only be recommended for cas...