Testseek.fr ont rassemblé 7 examens experts du EchoStar HDS-600RS et l'estimation moyenne est 79%. Faites descendre l'écran et voyez les toutes les revues pour EchoStar HDS-600RS.
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The EchoStar SlingLoaded HDS-600RS cleverly and stylishly extends the range of the conventional Freesat PVR to allow distance viewing on mobile phones and tablets as well as hefty record capacities - but it is expensive....
Overall, Echostar’s HDS-600RS does the job as well as any other Freesat recorder. For most users, the big question is whether or not it’s worth paying the £50 quid or so extra – £70 if you include the smartphone app – to be able to watch TV wherever y...
Seamless integration of Slingbox placeshifting, easy to use Freesat+ PVR, distinctive design
SlingMobilePlayer app is expensive, video streaming quality struggles with a slow net connection, no media playback via USB
Early iterations of Sling’s placeshifting gizmos required a lot of faff to get working. Echostar’s HDS-600RS changes all that; it’s extremely easy to use. Once you’ve created your Sling account, just log onto your net connected box to watch live TV, or...