
Accueil » Électroménager » Mp3/Média-player » Lotoo PAW 5000 Digital Audio Player

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Reviews of Lotoo PAW 5000 Digital Audio Player ont rassemblé 8 examens experts du Lotoo PAW 5000 Digital Audio Player et l'estimation moyenne est 80%. Faites descendre l'écran et voyez les toutes les revues pour Lotoo PAW 5000 Digital Audio Player.
8 Avis
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  Publié: 2016-10-22, Auteur: Gérald , review by:

  • Extrait:  Lotoo… Cette marque chinoise peu connue du grand public fait partie intégrante du groupe Infomedia, une société hightech chinoise qui conçoit, produit et commercialise du matériel de radio et télé diffusion depuis plus de 10 ans. L'entreprise fabrique aus...

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  Publié: 2015-11-20, review by:

  • Excellent sound quality, Useful EQ Options, Well built
  • Clunky interface, Limited gain, Bespoke USB connection only
  • After spending so long using smartphones and 'smart DAPs' for portable audio, the Lotoo is a slightly curious experience. The idea of stopping listening to your own music and using Tidal or Spotify is so second nature that stripping all this away and reve...

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  Publié: 2018-04-02, Auteur: Bình , review by:

  • Extrait:  Fed up with touchscreen portable players? Lotoo's PAW 5000 takes a different approachSince the demise of the iPod Classic, the dedicated portable audio player has staged a small but meaningful fight back. Music is a storage-heavy medium and relying on...

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  Publié: 2016-08-17, Auteur: Lester , review by:

  • Extrait:  New and experienced audio aficionados alike are increasingly flocking to high-resolution digital audio players to meet their music needs while on the go.These are not your standard MP3 players like the Apple iPod. Instead, they come with sophisticated ele...

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  Publié: 2016-08-17, Auteur: Lester , review by:

  • Extrait:  Beginner Tier (under $1,000)Lotoo PAW5000$438Onkyo DP-X1$999These are the players that will begin your inevitable spiral into expensive audio equipment.The Lotoo PAW5000 (left) is a small, portable player which sports a 2.5mm balanced line out for better...

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  Publié: 2016-09-01, review by:

  • Kein Touchscreen, mäßige Bildqualität bei der Coverdarstellung, kein Netzwerk, kein Web. Dafür aber USB 3.0 fürs schnellere Laden größerer Bibliotheken, ein zusätzlicher symmetrischer 2,5-mm-Ausgang sowie eine zuverlässige Coveranzeige selbst bei ungetagg...

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  Publié: 2019-02-20, review by:

  • Extrait:  年青人的特點之一就是勇於嘗試各種新鮮的事物,喜歡折騰。代表著潮流風向標的音樂播放器,你了解多少呢?這樣的新鮮事物,能帶來最好的音質享受,讓你隨時隨地都能聽到好音樂!QFN封裝,增強型的大焊盤,聲音更加沉穩,支持內存卡128G存儲,經典的好聲音架構,多階工藝,與旗艦機旗鼓相當的使用體驗,更有完善的功能與WiFi流媒體播放,好音質與用戶體驗兼得。7、愛國者EROS Q無損藍牙mp3音樂播放器支持內存卡128G存儲,同時支持OTG-U盤128G內存,累計可擴展容量256G,配合五軸聯動CNC工藝陽極...

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  Publié: 2015-06-18, Auteur: きーちゃん , review by:

  • Extrait:  こんにちは!秋葉原店のきーちゃんです。突然ですが、皆さんはディズニーはお好きですか?ディズニー音楽には素敵な曲が沢山ありますよね。本日最初の一枚はこちらっ。ディズニーランド!前日も翌日も雨だったのですが、この日は一日通して快晴!なんとバズのアトラクションには4回も乗り、沢山遊んできました。さて本題はこちらっ!【バックナンバーはこちらから】 ■第1回 Apple iPod classic の巻 ■第2回 SONY ウォークマンFシリーズ の巻 ■第3回 FiiO X3 の巻 ■第4回 FiiO X5...

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