Testseek.fr ont rassemblé 7 examens experts du Denon CEOL RCD-N8 et l'estimation moyenne est 83%. Faites descendre l'écran et voyez les toutes les revues pour Denon CEOL RCD-N8.
7 Avis
Note moyenne issue des avis d’experts sur ce produit.
0 Avis
Note moyenne délivrée par les utilisateurs du produit.
Well-built, Well-featured, Warm, punchy character, Well balanced, Rhythmic
No Bluetooth, No DAB, Not the last word in refinement and detail, Can lack organisation with busier recordings
When you put this system in context, it's very hard not to draw comparisons with the Marantz M-CR610, and Marantz's unit takes the Denon when it comes to refinement, organisation and fine detail.There's a bit more punch here, compared with the Marantz's s...
Extrait: The Ceol sounds very sweet indeed (although the speakers aren't great with bass) and is finished in glossy white, which looks brilliant, even if a touch test is slightly disappointing. It has simple controls and does everything you could ask of it, from p...
Sumptuous sound quality, Impressive build and styling, Easy to use
No Bluetooth or DAB, Speakers not included
The Denon CEOL RCD-N8 greatly improves upon its predecessor, the Deon CEOL RCD-N7, with a bulked-up feature list and even better sound performance. Music sounds punchy and polished, while its network talents and operating system are impressive. Only the l...
Extrait: C onvenience is what everyone's after these days. So be it smartphones where you have everything from your office work to your social life and music integrated all in one device or an automobile vehicle equipped with all kinds of audio systems, GPS system...
Netzwerkanschluss/WLAN, Zugriff auf Musik-Abodienste, iPod-Dock
Klangqualität nur durchschnittlich
Die Denon überzeugt mit noch guter, weil logischer Bedienung und einem für diese Klasse lückenlosem Ausstattungspaket. Leichte Abstriche muss man beim Klang in Kauf nehmen, bekommt dafür aber eine sehr schicke und edel verarbeitete Mini-Stereo-Anlage.Güns...