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Reviews of Chord Hugo TT2 ont rassemblé 6 examens experts du Chord Hugo TT2 et l'estimation moyenne est 97%. Faites descendre l'écran et voyez les toutes les revues pour Chord Hugo TT2.
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  Publié: 2019-12-11, Auteur: JK, , review by:

  • Extrait:  It may have been a rocky year for politics in the UK but that hasn't stopped hi-fi manufacturers from creating some spectacular pieces of kit to help us hear more of our music and thus gain even greater enjoyment from the most transcendant of artforms. Vi...

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  Publié: 2019-09-10, Auteur: Richard , review by:

  • Extrait:  Hugo TT 2 is Chord Electronics' next-generation table-top (TT) DAC/headphone amplifier, the 2 indicating it that has undergone extensive upgrades to bring it within touching distance of the company's flagship DAVE DAC at a fractionof the price. The £3,995...

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  Publié: 2019-01-21, Auteur: What , review by:

  • Articulate, informative sound, Great dynamic expression, Fine build,
  • Ergonomics can be frustrating,
  • In performance and feature terms it's possible to make a strong case for the Hugo TT2 to be considered the best value DAC the company makes. You've got to have a mighty transparent system (and fat wallet) to justify the use of the DAVE over this.There's n...

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  Publié: 2021-03-28, Auteur: Marcus , review by:

  • The Chord Electronics Hugo TT2 is an absolute powerhouse of a combo with a highly detailed DAC and a smooth-sounding amplification stage that can handle a very wide range of headphones. Its calling card is timing, precision, and bags of detail but rather...

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  Publié: 2020-08-11, Auteur: Linus , review by:

  • Chord's Hugo TT2 is a wonderful piece of equipment. It's beautifully finished with superb craftsmanship and its sound is nothing short of spectacular. The only thing I would have liked different is in the use of headphone outputs. I know Chord says a bala...

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  Publié: 2019-09-02, Auteur: 生形三郎 , review by:

  • ◇Hugo TT2は、ハイレゾからワイヤレスまでを、デスクトップに手軽に収まるサイズで高品位に楽しめるシステムを構築することができる。同社最新DACとして、従来モデルからの大幅なスペックアップを実現し、コンパクトながらハイエンドオーディオたる音質を実現したその存在は、これからのオーディオスタイルの在り方を鮮烈なインパクトで持って明示する、唯一無二のプロダクトといえよう。(生形三郎)特別企画 協力:タイムロード...

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