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Reviews of Final A8000 ont rassemblé 7 examens experts du Final A8000 et l'estimation moyenne est 0%. Faites descendre l'écran et voyez les toutes les revues pour Final A8000.
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  Publié: 2021-12-21, Auteur: Alex , review by:

  • The IER Z1R and A8000 have their own qualities that feel opposite from one another. While the A8000 has detailed mids and highs, the IER has the imaging and bass impact. That's really what it comes down to besides getting past the IER's bulgy housing desi...

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  Publié: 2021-01-12, Auteur: Matty , review by:

  • Extrait:  8000 is a Big Number, so it must be pretty great, right? Well, Final's products certainly get more expensive the higher you go up the food chain, and the product number designations get higher. The D8000 planar reviewed here by Linus tips the scales at $3...

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  Publié: 2020-06-04, Auteur: GabBloch , review by:

  • Extrait:  The IEM market is booming. And some might even say it's oversaturated at this point. With so many choices out there, it's hard to find the very best. For this reason, MajorHifi has put together its personal favorites at every price point. (To find our pic...

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  Publié: 2019-12-29, Auteur: GabBloch , review by:

  • Great resolution, fast, fluid, lustrous, dynamic vocals, distinctive,
  • Not very forgiving, “brassy” profile not for everyone, SUMMARY, The A8000 may not be the ideal choice for someone looking for their first IEM. There are more versatile or well-rounded (and more forgiving) options out there. However, amongst audiophiles wh
  • The A8000 may not be the ideal choice for someone looking for their first IEM. There are more versatile or well-rounded (and more forgiving) options out there. However, amongst audiophiles who already own everything, the A8000 could turn out to be a huge...

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  Publié: 2020-12-18, Auteur: byChevelle.fu , review by:

  • Extrait:  final 在去年底發表品牌新一代旗艦入耳式耳機 A8000 ,意圖在入耳式耳機創造出媲美日本 CD 之父中島平太郎參與開發的平面振膜耳機 D8000 聽感,使用不鏽鋼框體與全鈹振膜等豪華材料與頃盡工程技術,註定 A8000 金字塔頂端價位的宿命,而在今年秋季, final 一口氣推出三款隸屬 A8000 延伸的平價產品 A4000 、 A3000 與 VR3000 ,讓更多 final 愛好者能以親民的價格感受 final 新世代的基準聲。左起為 A4000 、 A3000 與 VR3000...

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  Publié: 2020-02-04, Auteur: byChevelle.fu , review by:

  • Extrait:  近年各家鑑賞級入耳式耳機品牌似乎是為了喚起頂級消費者的注意,也紛紛推出集結自家技術、調音大成但同時價格也較原本高階耳機高出許多的頂級產品,而 S'Next 旗下品牌 Final 也再度推出頂級平面振膜頭戴式耳機 D8000 之後,推出號稱全球第一款全鈹材質振膜的入耳式耳機 A8000 。 Piano Forte 可說是 Final Audio Design 時代的代表作距離 Final 品牌仍為 Final Audio Design 時代所開發的旗艦級入耳式耳機 Piano Forte 已經...

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  Publié: 2020-01-14, review by:

  • Extrait:  finalの全身全霊をかけたフラグシップイヤホンは究極のオールラウンダー?!?!イヤホン・ヘッドホン専門e☆イヤホンのPRスタッフのかわちゃんです。今回の記事でピックアップしてご紹介をさせていただく機種は国内が誇るオーディオブランドfinalが新たな高みを目指すため開発したフラグシップイヤホン。『final A8000』のご紹介をさせていただきます。好評発売中「要素技術開発・商品企画・デザイン・設計、製造・販売」までの全てを行うfinalが、今回A8000を開発するにあたって掲げたコンセプトはズバリ音楽を...

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