
Accueil » Ordinateurs » Disques durs » HD externe » Western Digital Black P10 Game Drive USB3.2

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Reviews of Western Digital Black P10 Game Drive USB3.2 ont rassemblé 67 examens experts du Western Digital Black P10 Game Drive USB3.2 et l'estimation moyenne est 84%. Faites descendre l'écran et voyez les toutes les revues pour Western Digital Black P10 Game Drive USB3.2.
Award: Good Buy February 2020
February 2020
67 Avis
2807 Avis
84 0 100 67

Les éditeurs ont aimé

  • Un beau design
  • Patins antidérapants efficaces
  • Capacité de stockage
  • Plug and Play

Les éditeurs n'ont pas aimé

  • Pas de housse de transport
  • Prix un peu élevé



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  Publié: 2020-01-17, Auteur: Darren , review by:

  • Extrait:  Remember when you thought that 1TB of hard drive space in your PlayStation 4 Pro or Xbox One X would be more than enough? Twice as much space than the OG versions of the current gen consoles, it's still a paltry amount. Whilst Sony allows users to prise o...

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  Publié: 2021-11-10, review by:

  • Extrait:  In an era when 50GB of iCloud storage is 99 cents per month, and trim, slim external SSDs are getting cheaper, external hard drives, based on spinning platter disks, might appear less essential than they once were. But modern ones are faster, more stylish...

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  Publié: 2020-12-08, Auteur: iLLStaff , review by:

  • Extrait:  Western Digital today unveiled a series of new products under its WD_BLACK portfolio of storage solutions in an official online one-of-a-kind launch event. Officially launched in India today, these products were actually shown in an event streamed on Twit...

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  Publié: 2020-11-10, Auteur: Tom , review by:

  • Extrait:  In an era when 50GB of iCloud storage is 99 cents per month, and trim, slim external SSDs are getting cheaper, external hard drives might appear less essential than they once were. But modern ones are faster, more stylish, and often more durable than thei...

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  Publié: 2020-07-01, Auteur: John , review by:

  • Small and handy, Easy way to transfer files off of your PC or console, Relatively inexpensive,
  • You're still looking at HDD speeds, Small and handy, The WD Black P10 comes in different storage capacities, with our review unit coming in at 2TB. This is the smallest storage option available, though WD also offers the P10 in bigger 4TB and 5TB capaciti
  • Western Digital's WD Black P10 is a good drive to pick up if you're looking for a small, convenient, and portable solution to store your game library.What's nice about the WD Black P10 is the fact that it also works with consoles (both PS4 and the Xbox On...

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  Publié: 2020-03-12, Auteur: Iván , review by:

  • Carcasa metálica muy robusta, Diseño original y muy bien acabado
  • Precio algo elevado
  • El Western Digital WD_Black P10 es un HDD externo enfocado a ser usado en consolas, pues ampliar su capacidad es casi obligatorio en los tiempos que corren, donde los juegos ocupan fácilmente 100 GB y no podemos tener sino varios instalados de forma simul...

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  Publié: 2019-11-08, Auteur: Miguel , review by:

  • El WD Black P10 Game Drive es una unidad robusta de almacenamiento que cuenta con un acabado duradero y agradable al tacto y a la vista, permitiendo almacenar de la forma más portable y cómoda todos los datos de tus videojuegos para utilizarlo tanto en ca...

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  Publié: 2022-04-23, Auteur: Denis , review by:

  • Ottime velocità di lettura/scrittura, Prezzo adeguato, Esteticamente valido, Materiali ottimi
  • Il prezzo, a partire da 139 euro, è più che adeguato per la qualità offerta, in termini sopratutto di materiali costruttivi e di velocità di lettura/scrittura.WD_Black P10 4TB136 euro8.1Estetica e Ergonomia8.5/10Velocità in lettura8.0/10Velocità in scritt...

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  Publié: 2020-01-27, review by:

  • Western Digital (o semplicemente WD) è il più grande produttore al mondo di soluzioni di archiviazione, con l'acquisizione di SanDisk nel 2016 è diventato anche uno dei maggiori produttori di memorie flash.Game Drive non sono una novità, infatti WD aveva...

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  Publié: 2019-12-06, Auteur: Marco , review by:

  • Extrait:  Se siete videogiocatori quasi sicuramente in casa vostra ci sarà una console, se non più di una. Anche chi gioca su PC spesso possiede una PS4, in modo da poter giocare le esclusive di Sony. Molti di voi si saranno imbattuti in un problema non da poco, la...

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