Testseek.fr ont rassemblé 177 examens experts du God of War et l'estimation moyenne est 93%. Faites descendre l'écran et voyez les toutes les revues pour God of War.
April 2018
177 Avis
Note moyenne issue des avis d’experts sur ce produit.
130 Avis
Note moyenne délivrée par les utilisateurs du produit.
Les éditeurs ont aimé
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Direction artistique pétrie d'imagination
Un contenu dantesque
Une narration qui n'a pas peur de ralentir pour mettre l'emphase sur les bons moments
La relation père-fils très bien exploitée
Scénario au poil
Une aventure magistrale
Une beauté sans égal sur PS4
Essence préservée
Divinement beau
Durée de vie conséquente
Une narration sublime
Le duo Kratos/Atreus
La mythologie nordique savamment représentée
Une prise en main maligne
Des combats haletants
La réalisation graphique grandiose autant sur PS4 standard que Pro
Une ambiance mythologie nordique franchement prenante et respectée
La direction artistique saisissante
Le système de ressources et d'équipements à fabriquer ou améliorer fonctionne bien
Artistiquement somptueux
Combats monstrueux
La profondeur du scénario
Le bestiaire hyper diversifié
Une durée de vie plus que respectable
J'ai pas aimé
Le côté assisté de certains passages
Les éditeurs n'ont pas aimé
Les décors dans le lointain un peu flous
Une seule exécution par type d'ennemi
On le veut sur PC
Et Xbox One
Et Switch
Une gestion de l'armurerie pas au top
Un framerate qui connait quelques baisses
Mais très peu dérangeant
Mais peut-être un peu poussive au début ?
Quelques légers retards d'affichage et des micro freezes sur PS4 standard
10SCOREOUT OF10GodlikeGodlikeJaw-dropping visualsCombat is incredibly satisfyingTruly feels like an epic journeyDoglikeMakes the console roar in painA few weak enemy types/encountersIt endsYou own this Total 2You want this Total 1You had this Total 0God O...
Publié: 2018-04-17, Auteur: Dom , review by: dailystar.co.uk
Extrait: SONYThe next biggest game we can expect to see from Sony is God of War - the soft reboot of the series from Sony Interactive Entertainment Santa Monica.The game is due to release on April 20th, but you can actually download the title onto your PS4 from to...
God of War's reboot is a triumph. Santa Monica Studios has managed to somehow make a raging monster into a compelling character without squandering everything you know Kratos for. His relationship with Atreus is nuanced and well-developed, and more import...
Publié: 2018-04-13, Auteur: Thomas , review by: alphr.com
God of War (2018) could be a case study of the maturing game industry. When the original God of War came out in 2005, players were more likely than not to be sprawled in a student bedsit. Now, those same players have jobs, partners, children; their fantas...
Best in class HDR graphics, Emotional story, Deep layers of customisation, Intuitive combat, Stunning return for Kratos
Some might miss the old frantic pace, We don't but some might
To reinvent such a well-known game series is brave, but this new God of War is both a modern masterpiece and a love letter to existing fans. It brings the combat system bang up to date while slapping on a dose of some of the best visuals we've seen in thi...
Publié: 2018-04-12, Auteur: Jeff , review by: CNET.co.uk
God of War is a surreal and mind-blowing action-RPG that provides players with a nonstop over-the-top adventure through Norse mythology. It's a long, satisfying game that offers much more beyond just a linear campaign
The game's combat is difficult to master and occasionally too versatile for its own good. The menu system also isn't great
God of War is a staggering achievement in gaming -- the sort of must-play title that we only we get two or three times in a console's lifespan...
Extrait: As the average age of video-game developers and players has crept upwards, everyone has started to expect more from their characters. In the last decade, formerly two-dimensional avatars from Lara Croft to Wolfenstein's BJ Blazkowicz have been retrofitted...
Complex, fun combat, Intense, nuanced story, Beautiful visuals, Tons to do
Gear-based level system doesn't really work
Yes. Unless you are actively tired of open world action games, or games with an abundance of violence, you will want to play God of War.God of War was reviewed on a PlayStation 4 using a retail code provided by the publisher.God of War Compared ToMarvel's...
Some may wish to simply see more of the same God of War, but with pretty PS4 graphics, but I for one am delighted with the new direction the series is taking. To still get all the same incredible set-pieces anchored by a decent narrative and a better conn...