Testseek.fr ont rassemblé 20 examens experts du Samsung HT-X810 et l'estimation moyenne est 75%. Faites descendre l'écran et voyez les toutes les revues pour Samsung HT-X810.
20 Avis
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Compact wall mountable sound solution; Good punchy sound; Wireless subwoofer makes for good flexibility; Wide range of input sources
Surround sound effect only adequate; Video performance from DVD could be problematic
I was a little concerned about the video performance from this unit, but the sound was quite good in view of its size and cost. The wireless subwoofer in particular was very useful, allowing an escape from the long cables that subwoofers otherwise inva...
Extrait: Samsung HT-X810 Home CinemaPrice $999Rating 4/5 In small environments, its difficult not only to find space for surround speakers but also to get enough separation between them to achieve the proper effect. Samsung has followed Philipss lead wit...
Stylish, Easy to setup, Wall-mountable, 5.8GHz wireless, Good vision
Overwhelming amounts of bass, Speaker rattles at mid to high volumes, Bluetooth doesnt work that well
The Samsung HT-X810 is a breeze to set-up and looks great sitting underneath your TV, and while picture quality is great, the sound slightly disappoints. ...
Extrait: The HT-X810 is Samsungs first foray into the soundbar category. Its designed to be an all-in-one solution that requires minimal installation effort and results in a clean-looking, wire-free home theatre. In these undertakings, it is an incontrovertib...
Great looks, well designed, Wireless sub makes it easy to place, Very good video output
Audio output is too bass heavy, not clear, Slightly expensive
PerformanceFirstly, we connected a Kingston USB memory stick, and put in an I Robot DVD in the drive to see basic features. These all worked fine, function wise. Ill get to performance quality later. Then came my WD portable HDD. This did not read. I ...
Publié: 2008-04-30, Auteur: Philip , review by: asia.cnet.com
Extrait: The HT-X810 is a whole new breed of sound bar that leverages on the latest advancements in wireless technologies. These enable it to \\\"talk\\\" to mobile devices and companion components without the dangling cords, quite unlike most of its competitors arou...
Extrait: Samsung HT-X810 är ett två-delars hemmabiosystem där subwoofern är trådlös. Testarna anser att bild- och ljudåtergivning är bra. Detta tillsammans med goda anslutningsmöjligheter gör systemet intress...
Trådløs subwoofer, Ekstremt enkel både å sette opp og bruke, Absolutt alt i en boks.
Subwooferen senker kvalitetsinntrykket, Lyden overbeviser ikke verken på musikk eller film.
HT-X810 og dens noe ivrige subwoofer skaper generelt mye trykk og punch, og selv om stemmene av en eller annen grunn faller litt gjennom på film, så er mellomtonen så absolutt til stede og gjør en god jobb på nesten all musikk. Både Seal og Amy McDona...
Extrait: Dette er en del af vores "Front-surround, den lette vej til hjemmebio" stortest som du finder i GEAR nummer 60. Vil du læse nærmere om hvordan testen er udført, så klik om til de sidste sider i denne testSamsung er testens hurtigste frontsurroundbio, ...