Testseek.fr ont rassemblé 105 examens experts du Apple iPod Nano 5G 8GB / 16GB et l'estimation moyenne est 84%. Faites descendre l'écran et voyez les toutes les revues pour Apple iPod Nano 5G 8GB / 16GB.
September 2009
105 Avis
Note moyenne issue des avis d’experts sur ce produit.
0 Avis
Note moyenne délivrée par les utilisateurs du produit.
Les éditeurs ont aimé
Faible encombrement
La caméra vidéo
Le tuner FM et sa fonction de pause de lecture
La bonne autonomie
Ecran plus grand et légèrement meilleur
La baisse de prix sur le 16 Go
Le design toujours élégant et fin.
Ecran plus grand
Caméra vidéo
Micro intégré
Hautparleurs intégrés
Effets vidéo
Radio avec contrôle du direct
Toujours aussi léger
Les éditeurs n'ont pas aimé
Sensible aux rayures
Son toujours pas amélioré
ITunes obligatoire
Les écouteurs toujours très moyens et sans télécommande.
Extrait: This week Apple unveiled hardware revisions and pricing restructuring for each line of their iPod series, including the iPod Shuffle, iPod touch, iPod Classic, and iPod nano. While each model underwent a capacity expansion and in most cases, adhered to...
Larger display; video camera and microphone; built-in video effects; buffered FM radio with iTunes Tagging; pedometer.
Video shot indoors looks poor; FM reception adequate but not great; same old earbuds.
The 4G iPod nano was an incremental update to the 3G nano that preceded it—new form, new colors, better storage, Genius playlist support, Spoken Menus, and an accelerometer. A fine, but hardly earthshaking, update. The 5G iPod nano is different. A v...
Extrait: As I’m sure many of you know Apple have announced their latest refresh of the iPod Touch and iPod nano lines, and while neither were really overhauled the nano picked up a few more features than its big brother. It’s been widely speculated that the ...
Extrait: Apple slips a camcorder into the same sharp iPod nano shell, adding new features and taking on the popular Flip camcorders with the Apple iPod nano 5G.
Built-in video camera, mic, and speaker. Larger display, but same-size frame as previous-gen nano. Excellent user interface. New Genius Mix and VoiceOver features. Adds an FM tuner, and a pedometer.
So-so file support. Video camera cant capture still images. Ships with Apples signature subpar earbuds.
No other player offers video recording, but even without it, the iPod nano is still the most graceful device in its price range....
Includes video camera, FM radio, and pedometer; slightly larger screen than previous version; saves last 15 minutes of radio play
Recorded video isnt high-definition; video colors look slightly washed out when video is enlarged
The latest iPod Nano steals the spotlight with major updates on top of the music, video, and photo features it already included. Apple packed a ton into this small (and attractive) gadget. ...
Extrait: The newest iPod Nano is incontrovertibly a step up from last year's model, crammed with new features including a video camera. But can the Nano stay the same cool little player while simultaneously invading the Flip-cam market? This new Nano—the...
Extrait: The GoodPacked full of terrific features – iPod, video camera, radio, pedometerGreat priceSmall and light The BadRelatively low capacityAwkward placement of cameraNo still photos The Price8 GB – US$14916 GB - US$179Viewed head on, the 5th generation iP...