Testseek.fr ont rassemblé 108 examens experts du Apple iPod Nano 4G 8GB / 16GB et l'estimation moyenne est 83%. Faites descendre l'écran et voyez les toutes les revues pour Apple iPod Nano 4G 8GB / 16GB.
September 2008
108 Avis
Note moyenne issue des avis d’experts sur ce produit.
0 Avis
Note moyenne délivrée par les utilisateurs du produit.
Les éditeurs ont aimé
Le design
Les couleurs
Les nouvelles fonctions
Le prix
Faible encombrement
Tarif à la baisse
Volume sonore plus élevé
Qualité de l’écran
Look / Format
Ecran de bonne facture
Fonction Genius
Le design d’enfer
L’écran petit mais superbe et l’ergonomie sans faille placent toujours l’iPod un cran audessus de la concurrence.
Capacité doublée par rapport au nano 3G
Liste de lecture Genius
Menus vocaux
Mémos vocaux
Interface améliorée
Les éditeurs n'ont pas aimé
La molette cliquable manque de précision
Absence d’equalizer et de tuner FM
Restrictions classiques dApple
Difficile de partager ses fichiers
Pas de mode clé USB
Obligation de passer par iTunes
Casque à changer
Pas de tuner FM
Il y a peu de fonctions innovantes
Toujours pas de radio
Et l’obligation de passer par iTunes pour gérer ses chansons et playlists.
Écouteurs médiocres
Pas de DivX
Compatibilité avec les anciens accessoires iPod
Les "menus vocaux" ne sont pas disponibles partout
Publié: 2008-09-10, Auteur: Donald , review by: cnet.com
The fourth-generation iPod Nano is more attractive and colorful than its predecessor and includes Apples new Genius playlist tool, a tilt sensor, and accessibility features for the visually impaired.
To use the new Nano, you must upgrade to Apples iTunes 8 software with its laundry list of hardware requirements; the rounded screen invites glare; sound quality is only average.
The fourth-generation iPod Nano is easy on the eyes and the wallet, and you cant beat its hardware and user interface design. Just be sure to give iTunes 8 a spin before committing. Specifications: Device type: Digital player; Flash memory installed: ...
Publié: 2008-09-09, Auteur: John , review by: techcrunch.com
Extrait: Overall, it’s a great portable iPod but except for the Genius playlist I can’t see anything compelling in the upgrade. I’m fine for the fat and 2G Nano for running and there is nothing that encourages me to pick this up for video.
Sexy, thin, rounded design. Same excellent user interface as in previous nanos. Built-in accelerometer shifts screen for horizontal viewing (like on the iPhone and iPod touch) and lets you shuffle songs by shaking the player. Genius feature creates on-the...
No built-in mic—you need to upgrade earbuds to use the integrated voice recorder. Apple still hasnt upgraded those lame bundled earbuds.
Apples slimmed-down, slicker-than-ever iPod nano responds to your movements, creates playlists it thinks youll like, and makes the competition look like a bunch of clunkers....
The fourth-generation iPod Nano is more attractive and colorful than its predecessor and includes Apples new Genius playlist tool, a tilt sensor, and accessibility features for the visually impaired.
To use the new Nano, you must upgrade to Apples iTunes 8 software with its laundry list of hardware requirements; the rounded screen invites glare; sound quality is only average.
The fourth-generation iPod Nano is easy on the eyes and the wallet, and you cant beat its hardware and user interface design. Just be sure to give iTunes 8 a spin before committing.
Extrait: Reviewed by Jacob Spindel, September 2008 Previously, on “All My Nanos…” Last time, we met the third-generation iPod nano, whose video playback capability and small size instantly made it one of the most popular citizens in all of Podville. But then c...
Extrait: The newest iPod Nano is incontrovertibly a step up from last year's model, crammed with new features including a video camera. But can the Nano stay the same cool little player while simultaneously invading the Flip-cam market? This new Nano—the...
Sleek and sexy design, Slim, Photos, Podcasts, and Videos support, Good quality sound, Lots of features for a mere media player, Available on different flavours (colours), iPod Nano 4th Generation
The annoying “Genius is unavailable for the selected song” error, Shake feature is fun, but not practical Battery life is not so great, A bit confusing on the navigation, Can’t play songs when the iPod is connected to the PC iTunes reliant, Bookmark and Share
Overall, the 4th generation iPod Nano Chromatic is a great all around mp3 player. It has more features than you need for a media player, but if the price is not a big deal for you, then grab it. It is simply the sexiest looking mp3 player out there at ...
Variety of colours; Genius Playback; Accelerometer features
Video playback life has decreased; Headphone socket in base; No supplied video conversion software
The fourth generation iPod Nano shows Apple doing what its done with the iPod line for a very long time now - tweaking around the edges, rather than reinventing the whole thing each and every time. Given that with the Nano, they had an already pretty ...