Testseek.fr ont rassemblé 207 examens experts du Canon EOS 5D Mark 4 et l'estimation moyenne est 89%. Faites descendre l'écran et voyez les toutes les revues pour Canon EOS 5D Mark 4.
September 2016
207 Avis
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8552 Avis
Note moyenne délivrée par les utilisateurs du produit.
Extrait: The Canon EOS 5D series has always been one of the most popular lineups for Canon, appealing to both professionals and serious enthusiasts alike. However, Canon seems to have ignored this target group recently, as the 5D Mark III was launched way back in...
Genuine improvements like touchscreen control, Dual pixel RAW is incredible (when it works), Fantastic video and still photo quality
New features mean a higher debut price, Some bugs to iron out in dual pixel RAW
If there's one thing advanced enthusiasts and pro photographers are going to lust after this year, the 5D Mark IV is it. And with good reason: It's not necessarily an all-singing, all-dancing model, but what it does, it does extremely well.Canon has conti...
Extrait: The Canon EOS 5D series has always been one of the most popular line-ups for Canon, appealing to both professionals and serious enthusiasts alike. However, Canon seems to have ignored this target group recently, as the 5D Mark III was launched way back in...
Extrait: Note: This article was first published on 25th August 2016.The Canon EOS 5D series has always been one of the most popular line-ups for Canon, appealing to both professionals and serious enthusiasts alike. However, Canon seems to have ignored this target...
The Canon EOS 5D Mark IV might be a tad expensive, but it does what it does best - a jack of all trades. It provides great-quality printouts with fast-speed and accurate autofocusing in both still and video modes. Its superb 4K videos will endear itself...
Extrait: SINGAPORE - It took four years, but Canon finally launched the fourth version of its popular EOS 5D full-frame DSLR.The Canon EOS 5D Mark IV features a 30.4-megapixel full-frame image sensor (up from 22.3-megapixel in 5D Mark III) for better image quality...
Debemos partir siempre de la base de que se trata de una cámara de uso profesional. Para aquellos que estén contentos con la Canon EOS Mark III es realmente un paso adelante hacerse con este equipo, especialmente porque la calidad del sensor nos aporta me...
Publié: 2019-12-13, Auteur: Paolo , review by: techradar.it
Touchscreen reattivo, Sistema AF avanzato, Prestazioni dell'autofocus Live View, Ottime prestazioni del sensore, Scatto a raffica a 7 fps, Opzioni di connettività
Costosa rispetto alla concorrenza, La sensibilità ISO non è stata aumentata, Opzioni limitate per i video 4K
Se riuscite ad affrontare la spesa richiesta, la Canon EOS 5D Mark IV si rivelerà essere una delle reflex digitali migliori e più complete che vi sarà mai capitato di provare. Adatta a una vasta gamma di soggetti, dai paesaggi, allo sport sino agli animal...
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Extrait: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV è una fotocamera reflex equipaggiata con sensore CMOS da 30,4 megapixel , scatto in modalità raffica fino a 7 fps, sistema Dual Pixel RAW per la post-produzione, sensibilità ISO 100-32.000 (espandibile fino a 102.400), autofocus a 61...